Galveston Accredited BIPP Group Recovery Programs

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

Here at AVDA, we pride ourselves on our Galveston Accredited BIPP Group Recovery Programs which improve not only the lives of our participants, but also the lives of their children and loved ones. AVDA holds BIPP groups in both Dickinson and on Galveston Island.

As the largest provider of battering prevention services in the greater Houston area, our BIPP group recovery program is not only the first to be established within the region, but is also partially funded by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice/Community Justice Assistance Division as one of just two dozen funded programs across the state, each held to a higher standard of practice than non-funded programs. AVDA’s Galveston Accredited BIPP Classes and Programs are part of the larger AVDA BIPP program which offers 17 groups across the region (Harris, Galveston and Montgomery counties) and is instrumental in providing domestic violence training to Probation Departments, Parole Offices, Child Protective Services and others.

Benefits of AVDA’s BIPP Group Recovery Programs in Galveston

Referrals for BIPP are those who:

  • Have committed physical, sexual, emotional, and/or verbal violence
  • Are on probation or parole for family violence offenses
  • Are respondents of protective orders
  • Are abuse to their partners in the presence of their children
  • Acknowledge their violence behavior and have a desire to change it

All of those who attend AVDA’s Accredited BIPP Classes and Programs In Galveston may expect to receive two hour weekly classes over 18 weeks (per statewide BIPP Guidelines).

Contact Us

Galveston Accredited BIPP Group Recovery Programs encourages all potential participants to not be deterred by cost. All payments are assessed on an income slider scale and scholarships may be available as well. Join with us to bring an end to the cycle of domestic abuse. For more information about our Battering Intervention and Prevention Programs please contact us at 713-224-9911.